Crowdfunding Roundup registration

Meeple Mountain has seen hundreds of crowdfunding campaigns come and go, many successfully funded, and others…not so much. We know that every bit of marketing and promotion helps. So we’re offering to help you promote your upcoming campaign be it on Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Gamefound, or anything else. For free!

Take a moment and give us just a few pieces of information and we’ll list your tabletop gaming related crowdfunding campaign on our Crowdfunding Roundup page. Campaigns will be listed on the Roundup page in order of when they end…you can even add your campaign ahead of time and we won’t show it until the day your campaign launches. And if you change your launch date, just shoot us an email and we’ll make sure the date is updated.

If we also review your game, it will receive special highlighting on the Crowdfunding Roundup page, and also include a direct link to our review.

Please note that this is a family friendly site, which means that we reserve the right to refuse to list any campaign.

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Crowdfunding Roundup

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